PART 1 OF 3 There is no such thing as an Overachiever.
We have all heard someone say, “He or she is an overachiever.” What does that mean? What is an over-achiever?
Wikipedia says, “a teaching context, an “overachiever” is an educational label applied to students, who perform better than their peers when normalized for the instructor’s perceptions of background, intelligence or talent.” states: verb (used without object), overachieved, overachieving. perform, especially academically, above the potential indicated by tests of one’s mental ability or aptitude. perform better or achieve more than expected, especially by others.
I don’t believe there is such a thing as an “Overachiever.” According to Wikipedia and “Overachieving” is based on someone else’s idea or perception of what normal or average is of what one should be capable of accomplishing.
A Google search of “How to become an overachiever?” brings up over 390,000 results. Does that mean that one can become an overachiever if they plan on it? If they planned on it and were successful then would they NOT be an overachiever since that was their intent to start with?
Most people do not label themselves as “Overachievers.” To believe you are an “Overachiever”, means you would believe you are not really good enough to reach whatever level you are at. It is others in our world who would label you as an “Overachiever”, because they don’t think you are good enough to do what you do and be where you are in your life and career. The reverse of this is that, those labeled as “Overachievers”, usually have great self confidence in their abilities and they have others around them who believe in their abilities and who hold them accountable to a different standard. That standard is different than the “normal or average” standard.
Let me give you an example. Personally, I love playing golf. 15 years ago, my handicap was a “6”. According to Golfsmith the average handicap for a male amateur golfer is 16.1. Would that mean I was an “Overachiever?” I don’t think so. When I was a 6 Handicapper I was playing golf 5-6 times a week, practiced 3-4 times a week and took lessons from a Professional Coach. When I was a 6 Handicapper I chose to be better than average and I worked at it. Today I am an 11-12 handicap golfer and I only play a few times each summer and seldom practice.
This is one example of how nearly anyone, including you can become better than the average or norm. If you choose to be better than average you must develop a plan for growth and follow that plan. Many times we find it difficult to imagine being better that average but we all have the ability.
Most so called “Overachievers”, have a personal growth coach, whether they are an athlete, professional business leader, a salesperson, a financial person, or a musician or artist, they have a coach. In part 2 we will look at why a coach makes a difference.