Focus May Be Simple But It Isn't Easy

Today as I spoke with a new Coaching Client, I heard a too familiar story. They said they know they have the ability to be very successful and that they have a lot of untapped potential but they struggle staying focused on a plan to succeed.

Focus seems so simple and although it may be simple it is not easy.

I hear this from nearly every one of the people I coach. Focus seems so simple and although it may be simple it is not easy. Lack of focus and clarity is the reason people like Tiger Woods, Oprah, Peyton Manning, and most successful athletes and business people hire a coach.

As a Coach it is my mission to help each of my clients to find their “Why”, their true calling and purpose. I then help them develop a plan to reach their true untapped potential by staying focused on what is important. I help them understand what is important and what is standing in their way of succeeding and I hold them accountable to do daily what it takes to become who they want to be.


If this sounds like you, then you need a coach.  

If you believe you have the ability to do more, be more, and have more but you are struggling with focusing on what is important, you need a coach.  If you are having a challenge holding yourself accountable to do what must be done to reach your goals you need a coach.  Most of my clients are business owners or Presidents of their companies.  They have a lot on their plate every day and they get distracted from what their goal is.  They then get frustrated and discouraged.  If this sounds like you, then you need a coach.

As a Coach it is my responsibility is to provide content, insight, tools, wisdom, framework, ideas, and feedback.  YOUR responsibility is to move from awareness to action and accountability.

If you are interested in what a coach can do for you contact him for a Complimentary  1 hour Coaching Session (Up to a $300 Value). 

Jeff Raver has over 25 years experience training and coaching Top Performers and is a John Maxwell Certified Coach and Speaker.

Jeff Raver President of Begin to Win